Sunday, 5 February 2017

Home Base

Our first look at Bõzu's test pulls sent over from Lulubell Toys

Hey an update! We're finally getting some stuff set up at last and wanted to give you guys a heads up!

THIS PLACE will be our new home base for Planet 3 Toys news and updates for now. We love using Instagram, and will keep using it, but we've noticed we miss some people's latest posts due to IG's spam algorithm. We'll keep putting stuff on IG but if there's any doubts, you can check here anytime to be sure you're super up to date. We also started a mailing list so if you love info delivered right to your inbox, with toy love, like I do, click HERE.

We, like you, love toys. For me it started when I was a kid with Mattel's Masters of the Universe and then Playmates' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Kenner's The Real Ghostbusters lines. For Maki it was her first hand-made, wooden toys from Japan and Switzerland. It sorta exploded from there and as we got older, we started to learn and really geek out about the craft of making these things. Which finally led us to making our own toys.

A toy in the back just asked why I'm talking about this. I think it's my tipped-over Shredder. Well, tipped-over Shredder, as we keep making toys, we're getting to talk to a lot of other people who love/make/collect toys and getting more insight into not just the hows, but the whys. The more we learn, the more we want to know and it's way less creepy to ask if we share it with you guys here. We'll be posting peeks into the process, some toy making stuff we love, and interviews with artists we work with, all right here!

Okay post over! In summary, check back here for the latest P3T news/release info and also some looks into the toy making process and talks with other toy artists about themselves and their craft. Our first interview will be coming up very soon along with an all new Bõzu release we're super psyched about - so stay tuned for that!

Alright take care and we'll talk soon!

~Dave + Maki

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